Monday, December 30, 2019

1. A Dream I Had That Actually Intrigued Me To The Point

1. A dream I had that actually intrigued me to the point where I had to write it down was dreamed only a few days ago. I was driving to Seattle and for some reason the route felt different. It felt as though I was in a maze and I eventually became lost. I then texted my friend Rob and realized that I was still in Spokane. I observed my surroundings and saw that I was no longer in my car, I was in an entirely different vehicle. I can’t recall what kind of vehicle it was, but I knew it wasn’t mine. Although it wasn’t my car, I for some reason didn’t care. I didn’t try to report it; I just knew I needed to go to Seattle. So I kept on driving and as I was passing a few people on the sidewalks, I remember they were looking at me strangely, as†¦show more content†¦An ambitious and motivated individual who works hard to achieve what she wants. So the fact that I’m unsure of my future makes me feel a sense of shame. I do not want others to k now it. In my dreams, the people I passed by looked at me with a strange look. I feel that represented that shame I have of not knowing where my future lies. 3. I felt embarrassed having to text my friend that I was in Seattle when I really wasn’t. I did not want him to know that I had made a mistake, because in his eyes he sees me as perfect. I want to keep it that way. All my life I had parents who had always made me feel as though I was incompetent, unintelligent, and that I can’t do anything right. If I say â€Å"I got an A on my paper† I usually get a â€Å"Why didn’t you get an A+?† or â€Å"Hey, I’m graduating in a few months’ mom. Aren’t you proud?† I’ll get a â€Å"Why don’t you have a master’s degree yet?† My parents like to put me down as opposed to giving me praises. So I think there’s this part of me that always has something to prove. I want to impress this friend of mine. I don’t want him to see me as incompetent and this part of my dream illustrated that perfectly. 4. Just about a week ago, I had sprained my ankle and now walk with a limp. It hurts to walk so I usually get a ride to school now a day. It’s been very difficult for me because it’s taking a lot longer to heal than I thought. Knowing that driving in Seattle can be like hell, and that I might have to do a lot of walking caused a bitShow MoreRelatedBiography of Langston Hughes Essay1046 Words   |  5 Pagesliterary tools help get the point he is pushing at across. Pieces of his work that demonstrate this the best are â€Å"Harlem(Dream Deferred),† â€Å"I, Too,† and â€Å"The Backlash Blues.† Hughes life was filled with accomplishments one after another that contributed to the awareness of unpleasantness in the black life to change America. Langston Hughes was born James Mercer Langston Hughes February 1, 1902 in Joplin, Missouri to James Hughes and Carrie Langston. Hughes’ mother had to move a lot for during hisRead MoreBook of Sand906 Words   |  4 Pages1. 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BeingRead MoreEmotional And Social Competence Of A Young Child1905 Words   |  8 Pages(preschooler) I had been curious about everything. I begin to show my independence and capabilities. I wanted to build blocks on my own; I wanted to cook in my play kitchen, be a mother to my dolls and I rode my bike. Piaget speaks of motor skills development in the preschool years. â€Å"At the same time that the gross motor skills are developing, children are progressing in their ability to use fine motor skills,† (Feldman, 2014, p. 204). I wante d to take on the roles of my mother. Sometimes I would makeRead MoreA Report On The August 2100 Words   |  9 Pageshands it to me. â€Å"Your turn,† he says. â€Å"All right,† I agree, hesitantly. â€Å"What’s going to happen when I turn it on?† August turns a dial back and forth before he gets it onto the correct setting. â€Å"I set it to take you to the next resistance frequency we can pick up. Basically, you should have the sensation that you’re inside a resistance website.† â€Å"Where did you just go?† Zekeal asks August. â€Å"I was attending a meeting of resisters in Canada. They were all talking in French, so I had no idea whatRead MoreAlice and Wonderland 20102082 Words   |  9 Pages Title Alice and Wonderland 20120 Screen Writer Linda Woolverton Director Tim burton March 5, 2010   The Scene Scene Design Throughout the whole movie the scenes keep changing going from a reality to something what seems like a dream. The scenes are over the top and amazing and fit the film 100 percent of the time. Lighting Design Alice is transitioning from the dark forest to the bright but destroyed looking tea party as the two settings are a mix of contrast. At the sameRead MoreLudwig Van Beethoven : Composing A Legacy2575 Words   |  11 Pagessinging praises to God and to mankind, echoed through the symphony hall on their last note. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Women During The Great Depression - 1471 Words

Throughout, the history of the United States, there has been many different events that helped change and shape the America known today. One particular event that has had a great significance was the Second World War. The war came as a salvation to the United States because it helped liberate it from the Great Depression. However, one gender population, during this time, had the opportunity to demonstrate their potential. This gender population was women. WWII was not only a life changing event for all men in America, but also for women because it would become the first time in history when they begin to break the stereotypes between gender roles. During the Great Depression, the unemployment rate in the United States was at its†¦show more content†¦The U.S industry, as well as the government expanded during wartime needs. Women made all of this possible (Partners in Winning the War). Women were needed to fill in the traditional male jobs during the war. These jobs provided unprecedented opportunities for women to move into occupations, previously thought of as exclusively for men. However, with these new opportunities, American women began to change the stereotypes of gender roles. They took over the majority of factory and office jobs, previously occupied by men. Five million women entered the workplace during 1940-1945, the gap in the labor force created by departing soldiers. It is seen that a huge percentage of American women have begun to take over these positions, slowly changing the industrial world in the United States (Khan Academy). In addition to women taking over jobs in industrialization, women also began to take jobs in the military. Approximately 350,000 American women joined the military during World War II. Women worked as nurses, drove trucks, repaired airplanes, and performed clerical work to free men from combat. Simultaneously, women also joined the Women’s Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs). These women flew planes from factories to military bases. Records show that a lot of these women died during combat or captured as prisoners, while flying planes. Women demonstrated courage solely by flyingShow MoreRelatedWomen s Role During The Great Depression1232 Words   |  5 PagesAs the Great Depression crept up on the United States people began to see the effects of the economic down spiral. To try a keep afloat people did what they could to survive. The role women played during this time period was a strong example of this drive for survival. Women stepped up to the plate for their family and jumped into the workforce to become the new breadwinners of their family. They broke barriers and didn t care what people thought of them. Even though most of the jobs out there wereRead MoreWomen s Roles During The Great Depression1413 Words   |  6 PagesTo what extent did white women’s social roles change from the 1920s to the Great Depression when employment and income decreased nationwide? A. Plan of Investigation The Great Depression devastated the United States, and remains the worst depression ever experienced by the nation. During the â€Å"Roaring Twenties† when the economy was thriving in the United States, women took the opportunity to improve their social statuses through enlightenment, but as this period came to an end women’s social rolesRead MoreAmelia Earharts Impact on Womens Rights During the Great Depression516 Words   |  3 PagesAmelia Earhart has resonated in our society, ever since her death, but she was also a very prominent figure during the Great Depression. Earhart was a very independent woman, and prided herself on this. Born on July 24th, 1897, from a very young age she embraced a sense of experimentation and physical freedom , which led to her success in woman’s rights later in her life. As a child Earhart described, â€Å"It has always seemed to me that boys and girls are educated very differently.† When Earhart gotRead MoreThe Great Depression And Women s Involvement During World War II1503 Words   |  7 Pages2015 1930’s: Womens Movement In the 1930s, The Great Depression swept over America and life was greatly affected. Poverty, unemployment, and homelessness grew in the East causing women to get more involved with the daily activities outside of the household. In â€Å"The Grapes Of Wrath† most men went to work, either in factories or on the lands, while the women stayed home. Eleanor Roosevelt became a key voice inside the White House, she took on an active role in programs and supporting women working onRead MoreThe Great Depression ´s Impact on Gender Roles1482 Words   |  6 PagesLisa Cianciulli November 12th, 2013 The Great Depression’s Impact on Gender Roles Change and hardship go hand in hand, because when hard times emerge society is forced to change. During the Great Depression the idea of gender roles stirred up a great deal of controversy but it also opened the door for change. It gave society a push into a new direction. In order to survive, a number of people had to move away from their traditional way of living in order to take care of their household (GoutourRead MoreCulture during the 20s-40s: Great Gatsby1365 Words   |  6 Pagesthat music, dance and fashion have a great affect on society and culture. Iconic artists and performers, and particular events during these decades influenced many rebellious outbreaks going against societal norms. The â€Å"Roaring 20s† (1920-30), had a major impact on adolescent behavior in America, starting in New Orleans, moving into Chicago and later, New York City. Throughout the 1930s-1940s a new adolescent culture emerged, influenced by early upheavals during the 1920s. The twenties were yearsRead MoreThe Great Depression1551 Words   |  6 PagesThe Great Depression was one of the most devastating events recorded in history. The nation as a whole plummeted in one economic downfall. Few individuals escaped the effects of the depression. The hardship of unemployment and the loss of homes and farms were a large portion of the pain caused by the economic crisis. Through all of these sufferings, women had a large impact on society. Women faced heavy discrimination and social criticism during the Depression Even though through research it is provenRead MoreThe Great Depression And Its Effects On The World Essay1595 Words   |  7 PagesThe Great Depression happened during the late 1920’s and continued until the early 1940’s. The origin of the depression was in the United States as the stock market crashed in 1929 wiping affecting millions of investors. The US economy was connected with the global economy, this economic crisis affected th e whole world with high unemployment and low production. Industrial production declined dramatically, causing distribution systems to struggle as â€Å"transportation, wholesaling, manufacturing, andRead MoreWomen in the Great Depression Essay1267 Words   |  6 PagesThe Great Depression can be a tough subject for most people, but still inspiring to others. The Great Depression was a very difficult time for America as well as women. The women of the Great Depression struggled through many trials, as did many others in the United States, but they were able to get through it all. The women of the Great Depression worked their hardest to stay true to themselves, and their family, as well as, to keep a job, a stable household, and for some, a strong marriage. WomenRead MoreNew Deal Dbq Outline975 Words   |  4 Pagesof the Great Depression. How effective were these responses? How did they change the role of the federal government? Thesis Statement: During Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidency, his administration helped and tried to solve the problems of the Great Depression. He caused the government to play a very important role in society and from their help many people responded with their opinion of what they felt about it. Document A: †¢ in Document A it discusses about women during the Great Depression

Friday, December 13, 2019

Operating Systems on the Internet Pos/355 Free Essays

Operating Systems on the Internet An online operating system is an operating system that is run online. The online operating system runs on a server that is on the Web. According to the web site, www. We will write a custom essay sample on Operating Systems on the Internet Pos/355 or any similar topic only for you Order Now thefreedictionary. com (2003) the definition of an operating system is, â€Å"Software designed to control the hardware of a specific data-processing system in order to allow users and application programs to make use of it. † This applies to the online operating system, except that the operating system is available, online. There are many different operating systems n the internet that provide users the ability to access their data from anywhere in the world. An online operating system is also known as a Web operating system or Web OS. It is similar to a regular operating system but it is provided on the internet and allows users to access it from any Web browser. The are many different operating systems available on the internet, here are just a few; ICLOUD, GLIDE OS 3. 0, G. HO. ST, JOLICLOUD, and EYEOS. Many of the Web OS’s mentioned above provide the same type of benefits as an operating system, but it is done on the Web. For instance, the ICLOUD, created by Apple Inc. provides online file system and 50GB of online storage. According to the article written by Macworld Staff (2011), â€Å"In short, iCloud is a catchall phrase that covers Apple’s entire suite of wireless sync and backup services, which aim to keep you device-both iOS, and desktop computers running OS X Lion, Windows Vista, or Windows 7-on the same page, no matter which one you’re using at any given moment. † The iCloud also provides direct access to the user iCloud from Windows Explorer. The Glide OS 3. 0 provides 10GB of online virtual disk space, office tools, Web site creators and file sharing. G. ho. t which stands for Global hosted operating system provides almost the same features as a physical desktop computer, but online. The users can use file storage, sharing, and collaboration. The Jolicloud is used for net books and compatible with Linux, Windows, and AIR. eyeOS is a cloud computing Web desktop that is used by one user or an organization. The a ccount can be created on the eyeOS server and performs as a platform for web application. This is just a small example of the types of WebOS that is available online. Some of these online operating systems can function just like a personal computer operating system. They provide the user the opportunity to store information on an online hard disk, create file management, use of utilities, saving and retrieving documents, and they are accessible where ever a company or individual can access the web. This makes it mobile and a great feature for those that rely on their portable devices, especially phones. On the go operating systems that are accessible on any device that supports Web browsing, what a great idea. Now, individuals can store their documents, pictures, music, and photos online, without having to use any storage space on their individual computers, work computers, laptops, or work computer’s. Individuals and companies can also use their mobile devices and hook them up to printers or other computers. They can also sync their information via Wi-Fi or through Bluetooth, to their computers or portable devices. References Macworld. (2011, June 8). iCloud: what you need to know. Retrieved from http://www. macworld. com/article/1160380/icloud_what_you_need_to_know. html The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.. (2003). Operating System. Retrieved from http://www. thefreedictionary. com/operating+system How to cite Operating Systems on the Internet Pos/355, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Letter Of Advice †

Questions: (1). Draft a letter of advice to Bruce informing him about whether or not he can sponsor his wife Thelma to Australia. Refer to the relevant legislation and policy in your letter. (Do not include information about the requirements for a partner visa. Refer only to the sponsorship issue). (2). On behalf of Ronny, draft submissions to the case officer addressing the relevant criteria that have to be satisfied because of his status as an unlawful non-citizen. Answers: (1). Dear Bruce, First of all, thank you for sharing with me .I am sorry to hear about the problems that you are facing. Nevertheless am glad you are finally happy with your current partner and you are looking forward to settling with her soon. I am writing in response to your inquiry whether can apply to sponsor your Thelma as your third wife. After examining your case closely I found out that you qualify for sponsorship under the Immigration Laws of Australia. In this letter, I will refer to several issues that will make you understand the relevant legislations and policies enacted in the Migration Act that will allow your genuine request. Mr. Bruce you are a permanent residence and that makes you eligible to sponsor a fianc or a partner. You meet all the requirements necessary to sponsor a partner to Australia. The limiting provisions likely to be imposed to your default qualifications are not applicable. Though you have previously sponsored two other person(s) as fiancs to Australia, it can be argued out because your former wife died .The Act would have limited you in this case if your former wife obtained a permanent residence on grounds of family violence, if you withdrew from the relationship. Second, the provision would limit you if you have sponsored another fianc within the last five years. It long enough since you had sponsored Rebekka and Georgia to Australia Therefore you are eligible to sponsor you current partner. You can also in a position to sponsor your current wife because your previous wife Rebekka died and the Act acknowledges that. However you will be required to provide Rebekkas death certificate. Now that your relationship with Thelma is doing well and you are looking forward to settling down and having a family, the act recognizes your commitment and seriousness in the relationship and will offer you a chance to sponsor your wife irrespective of your previous sponsorships. The other good thing is that you are expecting a child and soon you will be a father. The Act will be compelled to withdraw its limitations and accept your application to sponsor owing to the fact that your wife Thelma is expecting a child and therefore, you will be allowed to sponsor her to Australia. Yours Sincerely, Migration Agent (2). Ronny has been an unlawful non-citizen for a period of four year. He was disowned by his father for being gay. For the past three year he has been in a committed relationship with Steve. The following draft contains submissions that qualify Ronny as unlawful non-citizen to lodge a partner visa and be sponsored to Australia. Ronny became unlawful Australia citizen for reasons behold his control. Ronny together with his family come to Australia on a temporary work visas. At the time Ronny was only 17 years of age. When Ronny identified himself as gay, his father disowned him and he started living on his own. His parent work visas expired after four years and they returned to their home country, Canada. It is clear that Ronny was faced with conditions behold his control that led to inconveniences to apply for another substantive visa. Secondly, there are compelling reasons for granting Ronny a visa. Ronny is in a long standing relationship with his boyfriend Steve. Both have been living together for the past three years and the relationship is genuine. Steve is a permanent Australian citizen who is eligible for sponsoring a partner to Australia. Also, it can be considered that Ronny was separated from his family and it was difficult for him to apply for a substantive visa. On other account Ronny complied substantially with all conditions attached to his previous visas. Ronny has no criminal case reported to the respective authorities during his stay. This shows that he complied with the conditions stipulated in his substantive visa. Mr. Ronny is intending to comply with all conditions that will be placed on the visa. Ronny is convinced and willing to cooperate following his partners illness. Steve, Ronnys partner has been diagnosed with bone cancer and requires a surgery to treat it .During this period, he really requires his partner to be around since he will be off work and limited on what to do at home. Steve who is up to sponsoring Ronny is an eligible person. He meets all provision and requirements to sponsor a fianc or partner under Migration Act. Also he is not limited to sponsor a partner because under any legislation and policies of Department of Immigration and boarder protection (DIBP). Steve has neither sponsored two partners in the past to be Australians nor has he sponsored anyone for the past five years. Ronnys relationship with Steve is genuine. They have a mutual commitment that involves shared life as husband and wife. They are in an open relationship and Steve feels he cannot endure the painful situation alone and needs Ronny by his side. Ronny meets health and character requirements needed for a partner visa. Ronny has no records of criminal offenses and health complications. To the time of lodging a partner visa, Ronny and Steve live under the same roof. They have been living together for the past three years. They have lived together long enough and it evident that they share social commitment. Steve and Ronny are not family. Ronny is from Canada while Steve is from Australia. They are from different countries and the only bond keeping them together is a marriage relationship. It is behold reasonable doubt that Ronny and Steve are not related by blood or marriage. They met independently and created a relationship that has resulted to them being family. In Conclusion, I am satisfied that Ronny though he is an unlawful non-citizen in Australia, has met all the requirements requirements and fulfilled all criteria of proceeding with partner visa application. This is after establishing that Ronny became unlawful non-citizen for reasons behold his control and assessing that they have been living together with his partner and do have shared pecuniary and other social commitments. References: Crock, M. E., Berg, L. (2011). Immigration, refugees and forced migration: Law, policy and practice in Australia. Annandale, N.S.W: Federation Press. Cope, A., Migration Institute of Australia., FCG Legal., Victoria University (Melbourne, Vic.). (2010). Australian immigration companion: Practical problems and solutions with an introduction to migration law and visa application procedures. Sydney, NSW: Migration Institute of Australia. Vrachnas, J. (2006). Migration and refugee law in Australia: Commentary and materials. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In Dickie, M. (2015). Introduction to Australian migration law and practice. Ozdowski, S. A., Clearing House on Migration Issues (Australia). (1984). The Australian migration law: A time for change?. Richmond: Clearing House on Migration Issues Goddard, J., Immigration Advice and Rights Centre (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1997). Immigration kit: A practical guide to Australia's immigration law. Leichhardt, N.S.W: Federation Press. Dauvergne, C. (2005). Humanitarianism, identity, and nation: Migration laws of Australia and Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press. Crawford, D., University of New South Wales. (2004). Australian immigration law and practice, a practical course in knowledge of migration law procedure: Temporary visas. Kensington, N.S.W.: University of New South Wales, Faculty of Law, Continuing Legal Education.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Ethical Problems of the Animal Abuse

Animal abuse and plant abuse is defined as a deliberate infliction of psychological pain, distress, deprivation, or death of an animal or a plant by human beings. Animal abuses occur every time human beings fail to meet the animals’ basic needs. In general, animal abuses comprise of all intentional, socially, and unacceptable behaviors that threatens the welfare of our fellow animals.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical Problems of the Animal Abuse specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Notably, in our factory farms millions of animals such as dairy cows, sheep, pigs, and chickens suffer extremely in the production of food, clothing, and other animal products for human consumption. Surprisingly, many individuals in our society are unaware of these sufferings inflicted on animals. On the other hand, plant abuse occurs when human beings and animals destroy plants’ parts and environment. Through genetic modification, plant life is changed. Plants activists argue that plant genetic modification is a violent change (Nardi 56). This paper seeks to compare and contrast two articles focusing on animal and plant abuses. These articles are Brussels Sprouts like to Live Too by Natalie Angier and Animal Vegetable Miserable by Gary Steiner. In the two articles, the authors focus on ways in which human beings have abused both plants and animals. As such, Steiner focuses on how humans have abused animals, while Angier focuses on how humans have abused animals and how humans and animals have abused plants. In the article Animal Vegetable Miserable, the author argues that currently more people are concerned with where their animal products come from (Steiner 1). Notably, the author notes that at present people question the quality of life an animal had before being slaughtered for human consumption. Steiner argues that through this, individuals can identify whether these products are fit for hum an consumption by investigating on the animals’ backgrounds. Through these arguments, the author feels remorseful for the way humans treat animals (Steiner 1). Equally, in the article Brussels Sprouts like to Live Too the author focuses on plant abuse (Angier 1). Just like Pa, Angier argues that she is slowly transforming into a vegetarian. She asserts that she stopped consuming mammalian meat 8 years ago. Like Pa, Angier argues that killing of animals for their products is unjust. According to her article, she believes that animals have equal right to be alive just as humans. In her article, she quotes some committed vegetarian philosophers such as Isaac Singer (Angier 1). In the quotes, she emphasizes that killing animals to satisfy human needs should be perceived as outright murder. In the same way Steiner felt, Angier felt remorseful for the way animals are being treated by human beings.Advertising Looking for essay on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your f irst paper with 15% OFF Learn More Unlike Pa, Angier argues that plants too have suffered because of animals and humans feeding on their parts. She argues that although plants cannot escape from these destructions they can stand their ground (Angier 1). In the article, she describes several mechanisms that plants have adopted to prevent animals from destroying their parts. By doing so, she illustrates that just like animals plants should not be abused. It is worth noting that Steiner emphasizes that humans should encourage vegan lifestyles. On the other hand, Angier opposes dependence on plants and animal products by humans. Given that humans depend on animals and plant products for their survival, Angier’s arguments would not hold in the contemporary world unlike Steiner’s arguments (Angier 1). Works Cited Angier, Natalie. â€Å"Basics – Another Challenge for Ethical Eating – Plants Want to Live, Too –† The New York Ti mes – Breaking News, World News Multimedia . N.p., 21 Dec. 2009. Web. Nardi, James B.. Life in the soil: a guide for naturalists and gardeners. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. Print. Steiner, Gary. â€Å"Op-Ed Contributor – Animal, Vegetable, Miserable –† The New York Times – Breaking News, World News Multimedia. N.p., 21 Dec. 2009. Web. This essay on Ethical Problems of the Animal Abuse was written and submitted by user T1nkerer to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on The War On Drugs

in AD 844 to describe the reign of the most influential Frankish king Charlemagne ( Lectures 1). Charlemagne, son of Pepin the Short, ruled the Franks for 47 years (Koeller 1). The Carolingian Dynasty, of which Charlemagne was a member, was established in AD 751 when Pepin dethroned the last Merovingian king. The Carolingians ruled a land that â€Å"spoke several different tongues, had different cultural and historical traditions, and different institutions.†(Nelson 2). The great variation found in the people of the Frankish kingdom produced for Charlemagne great obstacles. Dr. Skip Knox, Professor at Boise State University argues that the â€Å"monarchy among the Franks was not equipped to deal with this situation†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Knox 11). Attempting to establish control in his empire, Charlemagne implemented a series of programs that would produce a new form of government and would engage his court in an intellectual renaissance. Charlemagne was forced to entirely reinvent the Merovingian system of government, and to do so he â€Å"either created new offices, or adapted old ones to new purposes†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Knox 11). He appointed dukes and counts, and appointed in the German regions of the land margraves, an office that would remain long after the time of Charlemagne. Thus, Charlemagne created a political hierarchy in which the counts would report to the dukes, and the dukes to Charlemagne himself. Charlemagne gained the loyalty and respect of his barons by leading them on numerous successful military campaigns.... Free Essays on The War On Drugs Free Essays on The War On Drugs â€Å"He who ordains the fate of kingdoms in the march of the centuries, the all-powerful Disposer of events, having destroyed one extraordinary image, that of the Romans, which had, it was true, feet of iron, or even feet of clay, then raised up, among the Franks, the golden head of a second image, equally remarkable, in the person of the illustrious Charlemagne. Notker the Stammerer, the monk of St. Gall, wrote these words in AD 844 to describe the reign of the most influential Frankish king Charlemagne ( Lectures 1). Charlemagne, son of Pepin the Short, ruled the Franks for 47 years (Koeller 1). The Carolingian Dynasty, of which Charlemagne was a member, was established in AD 751 when Pepin dethroned the last Merovingian king. The Carolingians ruled a land that â€Å"spoke several different tongues, had different cultural and historical traditions, and different institutions.†(Nelson 2). The great variation found in the people of the Frankish kingdom produced for Charlemag ne great obstacles. Dr. Skip Knox, Professor at Boise State University argues that the â€Å"monarchy among the Franks was not equipped to deal with this situation†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Knox 11). Attempting to establish control in his empire, Charlemagne implemented a series of programs that would produce a new form of government and would engage his court in an intellectual renaissance. Charlemagne was forced to entirely reinvent the Merovingian system of government, and to do so he â€Å"either created new offices, or adapted old ones to new purposes†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Knox 11). He appointed dukes and counts, and appointed in the German regions of the land margraves, an office that would remain long after the time of Charlemagne. Thus, Charlemagne created a political hierarchy in which the counts would report to the dukes, and the dukes to Charlemagne himself. Charlemagne gained the loyalty and respect of his barons by leading them on numerous successful military campaigns....

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Implement Equal Opportunities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Implement Equal Opportunities - Essay Example This will ensure that employees are granted a platform to perform well. (Heidi Brinkman, 1997) Managers need to ensure that there are certain social dimensions incorporated in their management practise. It is also crucial to remember gender issues in the delicate act of employee management. There are certain societies where women may receive fewer opportunities in job acceptance while there may be others where policies tend to make it more difficult for them to climb up the ladders of their careers. Gender stereotypes must be eliminated from organisations. Gender mainstreaming issues need to receive a lot of attention in this regard. Persons with disabilities must also be included in this issue. They should not be discriminated against and due laws in that area need to be followed to the letter. In China, the creation of the gender ministry was created fairly recently. This came about as result of international pressure. China realised that certain countries like Australia and United Kingdom had serious antidiscrimination laws for their citizens. Therefore in the year 1993, China followed suite. Consequently, there are still many volunteer groups, government bodies and other non-governmental groups that have recently taken interests in gender related issues. It would therefore be wise for managers in China to familiarise themselves with these bodies. Managers have to make sure that their decisions concur with Chinese legislations and values held by these gender bodies. China is also part of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. (APEC). This is an international body that deals with numerous economic issues include equal opportunities in the Asian Continent. It should also be noted that China modelled its equal opportunities legislations after the United Kingdom. Managers wh o may not be aware of those legislations may find it difficult to implement equal opportunities in that region. (Brown, 1995) After considering necessary legislations, managers who may have the goodwill to accommodate women fairly in their organisations may face obstacles in the process of trying to make sure that the latter group grow in their careers. Currently, the Chinese government has not instituted laws that allow child care provisions for married women. The lack of support from government legislations could bring problems to its implementation. This is the reason why China still ranks low in terms of women representation at the workplace. Compared to other developed countries, the number of married women in China' workforce is only forty eight percent. Although this is a slight improvement from what it was in the late 90s, the percentage is still low for a developed country. Employers need to realise that there is still some lack of support for women's incentives in employment. They will therefore have difficulties when trying to provide women with incentives for their families since support systems like child care facilities are still lacking in China. Sexual preference Managers trying to implement equal opportunities in China may be faced with the problem of dealing with sexual preference issues. The Chinese society is quite conservative in this regard. It is only recently that the Chinese government changed their laws, just a few years ago, the country used to consider homosexuality a crime. This does not mean that there is open discrimination in the workplace against gay men and women.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

German Development issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

German Development issue - Essay Example Indeed, Germany had openly supported the employment and financial reforms that were introduced in the meeting actually aimed to deal with monster rising unemployment and credit issues. â€Å"Unions were however heartened by the fact that German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who met a trade union delegation in Toronto on 26 June, supported trade union demands to reference the recent G20 Labour Ministers meeting in Washington in the final statement, and said that Germany stood ready to host a further G20 Labour Ministerial during the next year† (ITUC, 2010). The above is the evidence that German government authorities are eager to cooperate and coordinate with various trade unions and worker unions so that they could negotiate to reach a consensus for welfare and well – being of employees. Indeed, the meeting with Labor ministers of G – 20 nations would enable the concerned authorities to define the present state of labor market and to discuss possible measures for further improvement. Germany has also endorsed the idea of enhancing mutual macroeconomic cooperation and collaboration with other G – 20 member countries to successfully implement the new reforms that would help avert global financial crisis in future. Indeed, there is dire need to implement this framework to ensure survival, growth and sustainability of financial and economic institutions across developed and developing nations. Germany supported the idea to repair existing international financial system in the light of suggestions from authentic financial institutions such as IMF and the World Bank. For instance, there has been immediate need to develop a relatively flexible financial system that will help ‘reducing systematic risk and moral hazards’. As a result, the probability that the world may face another credit crisis in future could be reduced. (OECD,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Pretrial Process Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pretrial Process - Research Paper Example One example of prosecutorial misconduct is witness tampering that means harassing, threatening or frightening a witness, forcing him to think a certain way by pressure, forcing him to lie, or simply forcing him not to be a witness at all. Other examples include wrongly convicting a defendant, imposing stricter than suitable punishments, introducing inadmissible evidence, tampering with evidence, passing inappropriate remarks in the presence of the jury, and showing improper attitude during proceedings. Since, the accused have the right to go through a fair trial, the elimination of prosecutorial misconduct is given serious consideration in all countries. Prosecutors found engaged in misconduct may be punished like taking away his license to practice law. But if the volume of the misconduct has been enormous, then criminal sanctions may also be applied against him like bringing criminal charges against him or accusing him for contempt of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Television And Cartoons On Children Media Essay

Television And Cartoons On Children Media Essay After all commited researches, we saw that mass communications tools was investigating effects of delivered messages on upon the targets from the beginnings to date. For that reason, receivers of messages in other words audiance or listeners situations were carried an important weight and it was aroused more attention than other components of communication. The audience understand the message of the acceptance of active or passive, the research found likely to be correct, however, dubious, questionable, problematic parts formed. (Ã…Å ¾ahinde Yavuz, 2005, Medya ve Ä °zleyici, Bitmeyen TartÄ ±Ãƒâ€¦Ã… ¸ma, Vadi YayÄ ±nlarÄ ±, Ankara) Researchers, the event continues today, according to the liberal pluralist approach, especially the visual media presentation and a principled understanding of the task falls on the way up was needed. To give a presentation of the message by the principles of ethical norms on the one hand, and how the presentation of the message transmitted limits on the other hand, also sets the line between social media and are defending the thesis. (AyÃ…Å ¸e Ä °nal, 2003, Medya ve Toplum, Ips Ä °letiÃ…Å ¸im VakfÄ ± YayÄ ±nlarÄ ±, Ä °stanbul) CHILDHOOD AND CHARASTERICTIC FEATURES In a study showed that the most enjoyable period of childhood, developmental psychologist and expert pedagogues by Before Transaction between the ages of 4-7 is called the period. Increases childrens imagination at this stage, games and toys become the most important part of life. Children are very much is egocentric. On the basis of the world as they experience the feeling that the world spins around them and they are the only human beings. One of the most characteristic feature of this universe of inanimate objects human characteristics is they believe that lifeless objects can be alive. In kids world, any change in terms of cognitive development may be having full faith. For example; Gadgets like the fairy tale Puss in Boots camel can turn into cats or mice. At times like this kind of thinking goes, is sometimes startling. In fact, these kind of fantastic games, movies, stories and fun stuff are tools to enhance creativity of our children, us and that enrich our relationship. To a chieve this positive goal, what we need to do is have some mandatory approaches. And this approach results in what direction the research is going to be a case and that will be examined in accordance with references of the researches. A study of violence in television programs and cartoons to the elements and their activities were examined and children were observed to behave differently after watching violent content on television cartoons. The pre-school children used in this study and 100 children were observed before and after watching TV. One group was watching violent cartoons, while the other group, no aggression, non-line of the content of movies are provided. Children who were watching violent movies were observed to fight with other children more and go against to their parents and be more impatient of their behaviours examined by the researchers. Educators and pedagogues are also identified by the new generation that childrens programs and cartoons are no different than an adult programmes and shows on television. That shows feels a little girl like a teenage girl and boys who feels like the cartoon heroes subjects unsuitable topics according to childrens age and subjects do not conform to the developmental characteristics of children. That puts at risk of these young children mental health. (Sevil Gà ¼mà ¼Ãƒâ€¦Ã… ¸, Pedagogue, Istanbul, 2010) When we consider all these things and we get these results that creativity and thinking system of a child is effecting when watching cartoons on the line up of films including the development of systems that are affected by some negative elements. To prevent these adverse effects from the world of cartoons for children with different solutions, rather than depriving them much easier to navigate and that will be effective results obtained by experts and research results are positive according to the data that we have. TELEVISION AND CHILDREN Television has an important role in an adults life as well as a childs. Today, as a major entertainment and recreational vehicle of television programs adopted, watched and consumed by the children as much as adults. Programme-makers are aware of the diversity of the audience, and according to different age groups and educational programs are designed in order to their targets. Cartoons are among these programmes and fundamentally children are the main target for these productions. Primary school age children in the period preceding its relationship with television are identical for the purposes of discovery. Television programs, especially the bright, vibrant and fast-changing elements, moving characters, strongly the sound or light gets childrens attention and affects them. Pre-school children meet with violence watching TV cartoons and that makes them become ready for violence watching these unreal but lively and brighter images. Especially share of cartoons has a big responsibility in that. School-age is a very important period for children as they tend to be more violence and shows aggressive behaviours in terms of their impacts of behaviours because their age. During this period, a child develops increased attention. They have an ability to understand and follow the continuity in the stories. The described events as implicit in their conclusions and approves the actions or movements of the characters and its mimics. The trend in this period and violence in children varies and changes if they watch violent programs. Especially those who follow such programs which reflects the real world of violence and those children who believed himself a hero shows aggressive behavior in real life is seen to increase. During the adolescent period, affected by television charactersor identity formation is less than younger ages. But this young teenage children are more convinient to copy violence the in the television or criminal behavior by mimicking, shows us a rebel behaviour of traditional authority challenged behavior can be exposed. (Josephson, W.L.,1995, Television violence: A review of the effects on chÄ ±ldren of dÄ ±fferent ages. Canadian Heritage.) Cartoons colorful, exaggerated and full of fun world, impresses kids big time and at the same time entertains their world. Because of the level of creativity and thinking system of the children are very different from adults as children watchs cartoons and feels themselves part of what the watch and that develops their creativity. The cartoons and events they watch and follow in a way thats much easier to adopt and internalize for them. Therefore, cartoons has important activity during childrens internalization period and that learning and observing creates different worlds in childs thinking system. But the cartoons can be adversely affected in many elements on children especially discernment wise submits and shows us that the ones who did not reach the level of understanding and judging could be way more affected. Because watching the cartoons, childrens world slowly begins to become a part of it. If the necessary intervention is not made a child makes himself part of that fantasy world and cuts the reality between that world and real life. That affects negatively childrens development. They start losing adaptation of the real world and ignore what happening around them. They start becoming some other character which does not exist in real world. (Ä °dil Seda AK, 2010, Çocuk GeliÃ…Å ¸imi UzmanÄ ±, Istanbul) The most affected social groups of the television broadcasts are today, children. The broadcasts influences their personality development and socialization who are at the stage of development also well known by the community. To protect children from negative effects of television broadcasts for both national and international levels, the various arrangements being made every day and joint operations are conducted. Those programs particularly interested by the children and can cause series of physical, mental and moral development damages. The world authorities are working on them not to be too violent and kind of measures taken in the direction of interest is still being investigated as we are not sure if we are on the right direction. (Dr. A.Zahid Akman, RTÃÅ"K, 2006, Ä °lkà ¶Ãƒâ€žÃ… ¸retim ÇaÄÅ ¸Ãƒâ€žÃ‚ ±ndaki ÇocuklarÄ ±n Televizyon Ä °zleme AlÄ ±Ãƒâ€¦Ã… ¸kanlÄ ±klarÄ ± Kamuoyu AraÃ…Å ¸tÄ ±rmasÄ ±, Istanbul) THE IMPACT CARTOON VIOLENCE HAS ON CHILDREN Cartoon violence is an issue which recently has been growing in importance. Now a days it is extremely difficult to find a TV channel that is 100% children friendly. Most channels have children programming mixed with commercials or movies previews that are completely inappropriate for children. Cartoon programmes should not be aired whole day long as this would have a negative impact on the kids demeanor. Parents cannot watch their children every minute of the day and it only takes a second for them to change channels. Children will try to mimic anything they see or hear and cartoon violence is no exception.    Children should be given an option to watch only child friendly cartoons . EFFECTS OF CARTOONS ON CHILDREN Todays children have become much more interested in television programmes and cartoons over many years and it has become a major action to some lives. Distinctively, children begin watching cartoons on television at an early age of one, and by the age two or three children become most enthusiastic viewers. This has become a problem because too many children are watching too much television channels and the shows that they are watching (even if they are cartoons) have become violent and addictive. Marketing of cartoons has become overpowering in all around the world and so has the subliminal messaging. The main strategy is targeted toward the children to cause them to want to view the cartoons on a regular basis, but the subliminal messaging is for the adults to target them into enjoying the cartoons. This is unfortunate because children watch the cartoons on the television and they see material that is not appropriate for their age group. The children who watch too much cartoons on television are more likely to have mental and emotional problems, along with brain and eye injuries and unexpectedly the risk of a physical problem incr eases. Mental and Psychological Effects of Childrens Cartoons: From the time children start school to the time that they graduate they are averaged to spend around 13,000 hours in school. This may seem like an awful lot of hours to attend school unless it is compared to the hours a child watches television, which is nearly 18,000 hours (from the time school is started to the time of graduation). This comparison is an outrage because of the amount of television that is watched by a child will have an effect on their brain, emotions and their sense to feel pain. In a 2000 report on adolescent violence it was stated that more aggressive behavior in a young childs life is caused by frequently watched entertainment that incorporates violence in it. This has become a public health issue and because of the research findings; the American Psychological Association passed a resolution in February of 1985, informing broadcasters and the public about the dangers violence on the television has on children. Three major effects have been proven by psychologic al research caused by children seeing violence on television. These are child may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others children who watch violence do not fear violence nor are they bothered by violence in general and the children are more likely to become aggressive or use harmful actions towards others. When we are born we have the capacity for motivation, experience, and training, and because of this our minds are very impressionable. Therefore, our brains development is a dynamic mix of nature and nurture, so it is important to choose a healthy environment for all children. This means cartoons with violence will be unhealthy for a child because in general, being interactive with any environment enhances the development of a successful brain. As a result, a tremendous amount of childhood involvement with electronic media can limit social interaction and may obstruct the development of a brains social systems. IMPACT ON THE BRAIN AND EYES: An episode of the Japanese cartoon Pocket Monster which was later renamed Pokà ©mon for international distribution drew worldwide attention after multiple cases of children suffering seizures after watching the episode were reported .Parents began to wonder how the cartoons which their children watched affected their mental development. While no former study specifically relating to cartoons has taken place, multiple studies over the years have charted the impact of television on the minds and eyes of developing children. Most eye specialists agree that watching television is not a danger to the eyes, as long as children watch in the right conditions. However the room should not be pitch black, and children should not sit closer than five feet away from the screen. Sitting in a dark room or closer than five feet will not damage the eyes, but will result in eye fatigue. As for the brain, there is scientific evidence that too much cartoon viewing can be detrimental to children. According to a study it was revealed that children who watched on an average three to four hours of television daily had a greater risk of developing attention deficit disorder than children who did not watch television. While no specific program is directly responsible, it is speculated that the speed of the images displayed could affect childrens brains. A question arises whether watching television give young children seizures. According to a study it was found most children who suffered seizures from the December 1997 episode of Pocket Monsters had epilepsy, or some other underlying condition that would have caused development of seizures, regardless of whether or not they saw that program. INCREASED RISK IN CHILD SAFETY Today in many childrens cartoons you see cartoon characters jumping, diving, and falling from very high heights, then landing without being harmed. Parents seem to be happy with this as along as the cartoon doesnt promote sex or any kind of violence. On every episode of Loony Tunes    a short clip of Wile E. Coyote trying to catch the Road Runner is mostly shown. And in every clip Wile E. Coyote in some shape or form seems to fall off a cliff or simple have one of his inventions back fire and cause a mass explosion. Yet, he manages to collect his teeth, dust him self off and get up for another attempt to catch the Road Runner. Another example of this sort of cartoon would have to be Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd. In these cartoons it always seems to be rabbit hunting season and Elmer Fudd can never seem to shoot that dang ol rabbit. When he tries, Bugs usually finds a way to either bend the gun to aim at Elmer or to plug it up with some kind of object. But, either way the guns always fire into Elmers face. These sorts of cartoons are displaying false sense of reality upon children. Being able to fall off a tall cliff or being shot with a gun in the face and walking from these incidents with barely a scratch. At a young age, this false sense of reality can really affect them. It has been proving that children on average watch 4 hours or television a day. This false sense of reality for every hour of TV viewed per day, the risk of injury rises proportionally.    A child growing looks up to and would want to be like the super heroes in the cartoons. Thats why the false sense of reality that cartoons show encourage children to try things that they see their favorite super hero do. In some cases TV has also been linked to causing seizures. The cartoons children are watching dont show sex or violence doesnt mean that they are innocent. Because of this false sense of reality children at a young age cant tell the difference between cartoons and realism. TVS EFFECT ON CHILDRENS BEHAVIOR : Children who view cartoon shows in which violence is very realistic, frequently repeated or unpunished, are more likely to imitate what they see. This speaks to the impressionable mindsets of young children, who are still learning control of their minds and bodies, and are likely to mimic what they see, as it seems quite normal to them. A need arises for parents to keep a close eye on what their children watch. They must be there to explain that the cartoon character or actor that was shot has not been harmed, but would actually be seriously injured, or die in real life. They should also work to tell their children that violent behavior is not the best course of action to resolve a conflict. Young children are very impressionable. Higher levels of television viewing correlate with lowered academic performance, especially reading scores. This may be because television substitutes for reading practice, partially because the compellingly visual nature of the stimulus blocks development of left-hemisphere language circuitry. A young brain manipulated by jazzy visual effects cannot divide attention to listen carefully to language. TV is a very quick medium. Messages are shot at the viewer as if by an automatic rifle. Their minds must be equally as quick to interpret the messages, and with such a two-minute mind, many messages are misinterpreted, or confused. When the child becomes used to receiving information at so fast a rate, they lose interest in information that is more detailed and methodical, such as the information received in day-to-day schooling. Television certainly does affect the kids, who find themselves mesmerized by the bright flashing objects, and rapid assault of messages. Auditory Subliminal Messaging in Childrens Cartoons The lessons that the media conveys to those parts of the mind without conscious perception through the cartoons that people watch, are referred to as subliminal messages. When children watch cartoons, they always pay attention to what is being said.    In a childs subconscious mind, he or she is exposed to auditory subliminal messages that they may never discover, but they will eventually become a part of their lives.    Not all auditory subliminal messaging is negative.    However, most of these messages have a negative effect on children.    The interesting thing about the situation is that these messages are most common in popular cartoons. SpongeBob Squarepants has been on the air since 1999 on Nickelodeon.    Today, it still remains popular and new episodes are still being created.    It is now 2004 and people are speaking out against the messages that they found hidden in a number of episodes.    The main allegation against SpongeBob Squarepants is its use of metaphors in place of profanity.    When he is disappointed, SpongeBob will often yell out Tartar Sauce.    To an adult ear, that phrase may sound like it is intended to represent a curse word. When parents choose what cartoons to let their children watch, they want to make sure that these cartoons are appropriate for general audiences People who create popular cartoons are careful to not allow any vulgar content to be incorporated into their cartoons.    However, every cartoon cant be made perfectly safe for viewing by children and some of the verbal content may be mistaken for auditory subliminal messages. Marketing Practices of Companies that produce Childrens Cartoons: Children are no longer viewed as vulnerable human beings that need to be nurtured. Nowadays, companies are increasingly viewing kids through an economic lens.    This is because children are easy to take advantage of. A child will see an item that they want and will throw a complete tantrum until their parents give up and purchase it. This is a marketing companys dream come true.    Marketing Companies can open up emotional vulnerabilities, and its very easy to do with kids because they are emotionally vulnerable. Cartoon companies are the most common companies that are tapping into this new trend. It is literally impossible to walk into any store today and not see any licensed cartoon merchandise. From playing cards to toothpaste, these companies have covered every angle possible. By doing this it makes it impossible for a child to walk into a store and not want a specific item. Cartoon companies are also known to advertise their object in between television shows. The commercials are designed to have the child infatuated with the object and wanting it as soon as possible. With such devises these companies are using today, it is quite understandable why these companies bring in billions of dollars a year. To conclude with animated cartoon pictures are targeted mainly towards children. They can have a positive as well as negative influence on children depending upon the theme and the content. The animated pictures contain a wide array of content matter and messages that may influence children in many different ways. There are some cartoons that are neutral and purely meant for entertainment, some are educational but some are violent to the core.          Looking    at the good side of cartoon pictures, they are fun, entertaining and a good way to rewind oneself. Moreover, some of them even have a positive influence on kids. In the year 2005, Sesame Street, the educational puppet cartoon series, launched its Healthy Habits for Life series. This was televised with an aim to encourage young kids to lead more dynamic and nutritious lifestyles. Healthy Habits For Life featured Wyclef Jean, the rapper, singing and applauding the benefits of fruits and veggies. The puppets and animated pictures in Sesame Street were an instant hit amongst children since the time it was first televised in 1969. Many parents insisted that their kids remembered each and every word that was taught on Sesame Street.             There are many other animated cartoon pictures that inspire kids to adopt healthy habits. Popeye, the sailor man, who gobbles on spinach every time he faces a difficulty. This cartoon character actually inspired many toddlers to eat spinach. Keeping in view the positive influence that cartoons have, teachers started teaching kids through cartoons. They used cartoon character drawings to teach several subjects.Cartoon characters inspired them to study the subjects with       a deeper insight Children also have a tendency to consider some or the other cartoon character as their super hero. It is alright till the time the animated cartoon super hero they adore are cute and cuddly like baby looney tunes, sharp and funny like Tom an Jerry or cute and wacky like The Powerpuff girls However, they may become aggressive and snappy if they imagine picturing a violent cartoon character as their idol. The drawings of cartoon as stated earlier may have a positive as well as a negative influence. The images and storyline can have a enormous negative affect on kids because the violence and fury is honored without aftermaths, is extolled and idealized. Such violent cartoons should be avoided at all costs. The good news is that there are many cartoons that are simply made for pure entertainment, like Tom and Jerry, Yogi Bear, Mickey Mouse or even SpongeBob SquarePants, to name a few. Animated cartoon pictures are meant to entertain. It is more than acceptable if the kids learn a worthwhile lesson from them and are positively influenced.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Summary and Analysis of The Squires Tale :: Canterbury Tales The Squires Tale Essays

Summary and Analysis of The Squire's Tale (The Canterbury Tales) Epilogue to the Merchant's Tale and Prologue to the Squire's Tale: The Host laments the Merchant's tale, praying that he would never find such a terrible wife. The Host admits that he also has a wife that he laments marrying. He advises the Squire to tell a tale next. The Squire's Tale is not complete, ending after only six hundred lines. The Squire's Tale: The Squire tells the tale of Cambyuskan, the king of Sarai in Tartary. With his wife Elpheta he had two sons, Algarsyf and Cambalo, and a daughter Canacee. In the twentieth year of his reign on the Ides of March his subjects celebrated his nativity. During a great feast with the king and his knights, a knight with a gold ring and a sword entered the hall. He was sent from the king of Arabia and India, and offers him a steed of brass that can, within twenty-four hours, transport a person safely anywhere on the globe. He also presence to Canacee a mirror that foresees impending mischance and can determine the character of friends and foes, a ring that enables the wearer to understand the language of any bird, and the healing properties of all herbs. He also offers a sword whose edge will bite through any armor but whose flat will cure the wounds inflicted by the edge. The knight was led to a chamber and the ring given to Canacee, but the brass steed would not move until the knight taug ht people how to move it. The horse was a source of wonder for the people, compared alternately to the Pegasus and the Trojan horse. All one needed to do to move the brass horse was to twirl a peg in its ear, according to the knight. After the revelry of the night before, the next morning everybody but Canacee remained asleep until late. She had dreamed of the mirror and the ring and thus had her first satisfying rest in a very long time. As she went out walking that morning with her maids, she came across bleeding peregrine falcon that cried in anguish. It had maimed itself. Canacee picked up the falcon and spoke to it, a power she had gained from the ring the knight had given her. The falcon told her a tale of a handsome tercelet as treasonous and false as he was beautiful.