Monday, December 30, 2019

1. A Dream I Had That Actually Intrigued Me To The Point

1. A dream I had that actually intrigued me to the point where I had to write it down was dreamed only a few days ago. I was driving to Seattle and for some reason the route felt different. It felt as though I was in a maze and I eventually became lost. I then texted my friend Rob and realized that I was still in Spokane. I observed my surroundings and saw that I was no longer in my car, I was in an entirely different vehicle. I can’t recall what kind of vehicle it was, but I knew it wasn’t mine. Although it wasn’t my car, I for some reason didn’t care. I didn’t try to report it; I just knew I needed to go to Seattle. So I kept on driving and as I was passing a few people on the sidewalks, I remember they were looking at me strangely, as†¦show more content†¦An ambitious and motivated individual who works hard to achieve what she wants. So the fact that I’m unsure of my future makes me feel a sense of shame. I do not want others to k now it. In my dreams, the people I passed by looked at me with a strange look. I feel that represented that shame I have of not knowing where my future lies. 3. I felt embarrassed having to text my friend that I was in Seattle when I really wasn’t. I did not want him to know that I had made a mistake, because in his eyes he sees me as perfect. I want to keep it that way. All my life I had parents who had always made me feel as though I was incompetent, unintelligent, and that I can’t do anything right. If I say â€Å"I got an A on my paper† I usually get a â€Å"Why didn’t you get an A+?† or â€Å"Hey, I’m graduating in a few months’ mom. Aren’t you proud?† I’ll get a â€Å"Why don’t you have a master’s degree yet?† My parents like to put me down as opposed to giving me praises. So I think there’s this part of me that always has something to prove. I want to impress this friend of mine. I don’t want him to see me as incompetent and this part of my dream illustrated that perfectly. 4. Just about a week ago, I had sprained my ankle and now walk with a limp. It hurts to walk so I usually get a ride to school now a day. It’s been very difficult for me because it’s taking a lot longer to heal than I thought. Knowing that driving in Seattle can be like hell, and that I might have to do a lot of walking caused a bitShow MoreRelatedBiography of Langston Hughes Essay1046 Words   |  5 Pagesliterary tools help get the point he is pushing at across. Pieces of his work that demonstrate this the best are â€Å"Harlem(Dream Deferred),† â€Å"I, Too,† and â€Å"The Backlash Blues.† Hughes life was filled with accomplishments one after another that contributed to the awareness of unpleasantness in the black life to change America. Langston Hughes was born James Mercer Langston Hughes February 1, 1902 in Joplin, Missouri to James Hughes and Carrie Langston. Hughes’ mother had to move a lot for during hisRead MoreBook of Sand906 Words   |  4 Pages1. 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Basically, you should have the sensation that you’re inside a resistance website.† â€Å"Where did you just go?† Zekeal asks August. â€Å"I was attending a meeting of resisters in Canada. They were all talking in French, so I had no idea whatRead MoreAlice and Wonderland 20102082 Words   |  9 Pages Title Alice and Wonderland 20120 Screen Writer Linda Woolverton Director Tim burton March 5, 2010   The Scene Scene Design Throughout the whole movie the scenes keep changing going from a reality to something what seems like a dream. The scenes are over the top and amazing and fit the film 100 percent of the time. Lighting Design Alice is transitioning from the dark forest to the bright but destroyed looking tea party as the two settings are a mix of contrast. At the sameRead MoreLudwig Van Beethoven : Composing A Legacy2575 Words   |  11 Pagessinging praises to God and to mankind, echoed through the symphony hall on their last note. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Women During The Great Depression - 1471 Words

Throughout, the history of the United States, there has been many different events that helped change and shape the America known today. One particular event that has had a great significance was the Second World War. The war came as a salvation to the United States because it helped liberate it from the Great Depression. However, one gender population, during this time, had the opportunity to demonstrate their potential. This gender population was women. WWII was not only a life changing event for all men in America, but also for women because it would become the first time in history when they begin to break the stereotypes between gender roles. During the Great Depression, the unemployment rate in the United States was at its†¦show more content†¦The U.S industry, as well as the government expanded during wartime needs. Women made all of this possible (Partners in Winning the War). Women were needed to fill in the traditional male jobs during the war. These jobs provided unprecedented opportunities for women to move into occupations, previously thought of as exclusively for men. However, with these new opportunities, American women began to change the stereotypes of gender roles. They took over the majority of factory and office jobs, previously occupied by men. Five million women entered the workplace during 1940-1945, the gap in the labor force created by departing soldiers. It is seen that a huge percentage of American women have begun to take over these positions, slowly changing the industrial world in the United States (Khan Academy). In addition to women taking over jobs in industrialization, women also began to take jobs in the military. Approximately 350,000 American women joined the military during World War II. Women worked as nurses, drove trucks, repaired airplanes, and performed clerical work to free men from combat. Simultaneously, women also joined the Women’s Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs). These women flew planes from factories to military bases. Records show that a lot of these women died during combat or captured as prisoners, while flying planes. Women demonstrated courage solely by flyingShow MoreRelatedWomen s Role During The Great Depression1232 Words   |  5 PagesAs the Great Depression crept up on the United States people began to see the effects of the economic down spiral. To try a keep afloat people did what they could to survive. The role women played during this time period was a strong example of this drive for survival. Women stepped up to the plate for their family and jumped into the workforce to become the new breadwinners of their family. They broke barriers and didn t care what people thought of them. Even though most of the jobs out there wereRead MoreWomen s Roles During The Great Depression1413 Words   |  6 PagesTo what extent did white women’s social roles change from the 1920s to the Great Depression when employment and income decreased nationwide? A. Plan of Investigation The Great Depression devastated the United States, and remains the worst depression ever experienced by the nation. During the â€Å"Roaring Twenties† when the economy was thriving in the United States, women took the opportunity to improve their social statuses through enlightenment, but as this period came to an end women’s social rolesRead MoreAmelia Earharts Impact on Womens Rights During the Great Depression516 Words   |  3 PagesAmelia Earhart has resonated in our society, ever since her death, but she was also a very prominent figure during the Great Depression. Earhart was a very independent woman, and prided herself on this. Born on July 24th, 1897, from a very young age she embraced a sense of experimentation and physical freedom , which led to her success in woman’s rights later in her life. As a child Earhart described, â€Å"It has always seemed to me that boys and girls are educated very differently.† When Earhart gotRead MoreThe Great Depression And Women s Involvement During World War II1503 Words   |  7 Pages2015 1930’s: Womens Movement In the 1930s, The Great Depression swept over America and life was greatly affected. Poverty, unemployment, and homelessness grew in the East causing women to get more involved with the daily activities outside of the household. In â€Å"The Grapes Of Wrath† most men went to work, either in factories or on the lands, while the women stayed home. Eleanor Roosevelt became a key voice inside the White House, she took on an active role in programs and supporting women working onRead MoreThe Great Depression ´s Impact on Gender Roles1482 Words   |  6 PagesLisa Cianciulli November 12th, 2013 The Great Depression’s Impact on Gender Roles Change and hardship go hand in hand, because when hard times emerge society is forced to change. During the Great Depression the idea of gender roles stirred up a great deal of controversy but it also opened the door for change. It gave society a push into a new direction. In order to survive, a number of people had to move away from their traditional way of living in order to take care of their household (GoutourRead MoreCulture during the 20s-40s: Great Gatsby1365 Words   |  6 Pagesthat music, dance and fashion have a great affect on society and culture. Iconic artists and performers, and particular events during these decades influenced many rebellious outbreaks going against societal norms. The â€Å"Roaring 20s† (1920-30), had a major impact on adolescent behavior in America, starting in New Orleans, moving into Chicago and later, New York City. Throughout the 1930s-1940s a new adolescent culture emerged, influenced by early upheavals during the 1920s. The twenties were yearsRead MoreThe Great Depression1551 Words   |  6 PagesThe Great Depression was one of the most devastating events recorded in history. The nation as a whole plummeted in one economic downfall. Few individuals escaped the effects of the depression. The hardship of unemployment and the loss of homes and farms were a large portion of the pain caused by the economic crisis. Through all of these sufferings, women had a large impact on society. Women faced heavy discrimination and social criticism during the Depression Even though through research it is provenRead MoreThe Great Depression And Its Effects On The World Essay1595 Words   |  7 PagesThe Great Depression happened during the late 1920’s and continued until the early 1940’s. The origin of the depression was in the United States as the stock market crashed in 1929 wiping affecting millions of investors. The US economy was connected with the global economy, this economic crisis affected th e whole world with high unemployment and low production. Industrial production declined dramatically, causing distribution systems to struggle as â€Å"transportation, wholesaling, manufacturing, andRead MoreWomen in the Great Depression Essay1267 Words   |  6 PagesThe Great Depression can be a tough subject for most people, but still inspiring to others. The Great Depression was a very difficult time for America as well as women. The women of the Great Depression struggled through many trials, as did many others in the United States, but they were able to get through it all. The women of the Great Depression worked their hardest to stay true to themselves, and their family, as well as, to keep a job, a stable household, and for some, a strong marriage. WomenRead MoreNew Deal Dbq Outline975 Words   |  4 Pagesof the Great Depression. How effective were these responses? How did they change the role of the federal government? Thesis Statement: During Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidency, his administration helped and tried to solve the problems of the Great Depression. He caused the government to play a very important role in society and from their help many people responded with their opinion of what they felt about it. Document A: †¢ in Document A it discusses about women during the Great Depression

Friday, December 13, 2019

Operating Systems on the Internet Pos/355 Free Essays

Operating Systems on the Internet An online operating system is an operating system that is run online. The online operating system runs on a server that is on the Web. According to the web site, www. We will write a custom essay sample on Operating Systems on the Internet Pos/355 or any similar topic only for you Order Now thefreedictionary. com (2003) the definition of an operating system is, â€Å"Software designed to control the hardware of a specific data-processing system in order to allow users and application programs to make use of it. † This applies to the online operating system, except that the operating system is available, online. There are many different operating systems n the internet that provide users the ability to access their data from anywhere in the world. An online operating system is also known as a Web operating system or Web OS. It is similar to a regular operating system but it is provided on the internet and allows users to access it from any Web browser. The are many different operating systems available on the internet, here are just a few; ICLOUD, GLIDE OS 3. 0, G. HO. ST, JOLICLOUD, and EYEOS. Many of the Web OS’s mentioned above provide the same type of benefits as an operating system, but it is done on the Web. For instance, the ICLOUD, created by Apple Inc. provides online file system and 50GB of online storage. According to the article written by Macworld Staff (2011), â€Å"In short, iCloud is a catchall phrase that covers Apple’s entire suite of wireless sync and backup services, which aim to keep you device-both iOS, and desktop computers running OS X Lion, Windows Vista, or Windows 7-on the same page, no matter which one you’re using at any given moment. † The iCloud also provides direct access to the user iCloud from Windows Explorer. The Glide OS 3. 0 provides 10GB of online virtual disk space, office tools, Web site creators and file sharing. G. ho. t which stands for Global hosted operating system provides almost the same features as a physical desktop computer, but online. The users can use file storage, sharing, and collaboration. The Jolicloud is used for net books and compatible with Linux, Windows, and AIR. eyeOS is a cloud computing Web desktop that is used by one user or an organization. The a ccount can be created on the eyeOS server and performs as a platform for web application. This is just a small example of the types of WebOS that is available online. Some of these online operating systems can function just like a personal computer operating system. They provide the user the opportunity to store information on an online hard disk, create file management, use of utilities, saving and retrieving documents, and they are accessible where ever a company or individual can access the web. This makes it mobile and a great feature for those that rely on their portable devices, especially phones. On the go operating systems that are accessible on any device that supports Web browsing, what a great idea. Now, individuals can store their documents, pictures, music, and photos online, without having to use any storage space on their individual computers, work computers, laptops, or work computer’s. Individuals and companies can also use their mobile devices and hook them up to printers or other computers. They can also sync their information via Wi-Fi or through Bluetooth, to their computers or portable devices. References Macworld. (2011, June 8). iCloud: what you need to know. Retrieved from http://www. macworld. com/article/1160380/icloud_what_you_need_to_know. html The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.. (2003). Operating System. Retrieved from http://www. thefreedictionary. com/operating+system How to cite Operating Systems on the Internet Pos/355, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Letter Of Advice †

Questions: (1). Draft a letter of advice to Bruce informing him about whether or not he can sponsor his wife Thelma to Australia. Refer to the relevant legislation and policy in your letter. (Do not include information about the requirements for a partner visa. Refer only to the sponsorship issue). (2). On behalf of Ronny, draft submissions to the case officer addressing the relevant criteria that have to be satisfied because of his status as an unlawful non-citizen. Answers: (1). Dear Bruce, First of all, thank you for sharing with me .I am sorry to hear about the problems that you are facing. Nevertheless am glad you are finally happy with your current partner and you are looking forward to settling with her soon. I am writing in response to your inquiry whether can apply to sponsor your Thelma as your third wife. After examining your case closely I found out that you qualify for sponsorship under the Immigration Laws of Australia. In this letter, I will refer to several issues that will make you understand the relevant legislations and policies enacted in the Migration Act that will allow your genuine request. Mr. Bruce you are a permanent residence and that makes you eligible to sponsor a fianc or a partner. You meet all the requirements necessary to sponsor a partner to Australia. The limiting provisions likely to be imposed to your default qualifications are not applicable. Though you have previously sponsored two other person(s) as fiancs to Australia, it can be argued out because your former wife died .The Act would have limited you in this case if your former wife obtained a permanent residence on grounds of family violence, if you withdrew from the relationship. Second, the provision would limit you if you have sponsored another fianc within the last five years. It long enough since you had sponsored Rebekka and Georgia to Australia Therefore you are eligible to sponsor you current partner. You can also in a position to sponsor your current wife because your previous wife Rebekka died and the Act acknowledges that. However you will be required to provide Rebekkas death certificate. Now that your relationship with Thelma is doing well and you are looking forward to settling down and having a family, the act recognizes your commitment and seriousness in the relationship and will offer you a chance to sponsor your wife irrespective of your previous sponsorships. The other good thing is that you are expecting a child and soon you will be a father. The Act will be compelled to withdraw its limitations and accept your application to sponsor owing to the fact that your wife Thelma is expecting a child and therefore, you will be allowed to sponsor her to Australia. Yours Sincerely, Migration Agent (2). Ronny has been an unlawful non-citizen for a period of four year. He was disowned by his father for being gay. For the past three year he has been in a committed relationship with Steve. The following draft contains submissions that qualify Ronny as unlawful non-citizen to lodge a partner visa and be sponsored to Australia. Ronny became unlawful Australia citizen for reasons behold his control. Ronny together with his family come to Australia on a temporary work visas. At the time Ronny was only 17 years of age. When Ronny identified himself as gay, his father disowned him and he started living on his own. His parent work visas expired after four years and they returned to their home country, Canada. It is clear that Ronny was faced with conditions behold his control that led to inconveniences to apply for another substantive visa. Secondly, there are compelling reasons for granting Ronny a visa. Ronny is in a long standing relationship with his boyfriend Steve. Both have been living together for the past three years and the relationship is genuine. Steve is a permanent Australian citizen who is eligible for sponsoring a partner to Australia. Also, it can be considered that Ronny was separated from his family and it was difficult for him to apply for a substantive visa. On other account Ronny complied substantially with all conditions attached to his previous visas. Ronny has no criminal case reported to the respective authorities during his stay. This shows that he complied with the conditions stipulated in his substantive visa. Mr. Ronny is intending to comply with all conditions that will be placed on the visa. Ronny is convinced and willing to cooperate following his partners illness. Steve, Ronnys partner has been diagnosed with bone cancer and requires a surgery to treat it .During this period, he really requires his partner to be around since he will be off work and limited on what to do at home. Steve who is up to sponsoring Ronny is an eligible person. He meets all provision and requirements to sponsor a fianc or partner under Migration Act. Also he is not limited to sponsor a partner because under any legislation and policies of Department of Immigration and boarder protection (DIBP). Steve has neither sponsored two partners in the past to be Australians nor has he sponsored anyone for the past five years. Ronnys relationship with Steve is genuine. They have a mutual commitment that involves shared life as husband and wife. They are in an open relationship and Steve feels he cannot endure the painful situation alone and needs Ronny by his side. Ronny meets health and character requirements needed for a partner visa. Ronny has no records of criminal offenses and health complications. To the time of lodging a partner visa, Ronny and Steve live under the same roof. They have been living together for the past three years. They have lived together long enough and it evident that they share social commitment. Steve and Ronny are not family. Ronny is from Canada while Steve is from Australia. They are from different countries and the only bond keeping them together is a marriage relationship. It is behold reasonable doubt that Ronny and Steve are not related by blood or marriage. They met independently and created a relationship that has resulted to them being family. In Conclusion, I am satisfied that Ronny though he is an unlawful non-citizen in Australia, has met all the requirements requirements and fulfilled all criteria of proceeding with partner visa application. This is after establishing that Ronny became unlawful non-citizen for reasons behold his control and assessing that they have been living together with his partner and do have shared pecuniary and other social commitments. References: Crock, M. E., Berg, L. (2011). Immigration, refugees and forced migration: Law, policy and practice in Australia. Annandale, N.S.W: Federation Press. Cope, A., Migration Institute of Australia., FCG Legal., Victoria University (Melbourne, Vic.). (2010). Australian immigration companion: Practical problems and solutions with an introduction to migration law and visa application procedures. Sydney, NSW: Migration Institute of Australia. Vrachnas, J. (2006). Migration and refugee law in Australia: Commentary and materials. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In Dickie, M. (2015). Introduction to Australian migration law and practice. Ozdowski, S. A., Clearing House on Migration Issues (Australia). (1984). The Australian migration law: A time for change?. Richmond: Clearing House on Migration Issues Goddard, J., Immigration Advice and Rights Centre (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1997). Immigration kit: A practical guide to Australia's immigration law. Leichhardt, N.S.W: Federation Press. Dauvergne, C. (2005). Humanitarianism, identity, and nation: Migration laws of Australia and Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press. Crawford, D., University of New South Wales. (2004). Australian immigration law and practice, a practical course in knowledge of migration law procedure: Temporary visas. Kensington, N.S.W.: University of New South Wales, Faculty of Law, Continuing Legal Education.