Friday, February 28, 2020

History of My Surviving in Math Classes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

History of My Surviving in Math Classes - Essay Example Second grade, third grade and fourth grade passed and I struggled to at least survive in math class. I felt isolated from the rest of the class by just the mere sight of them participating in recitations, taking a look at each other's satisfactory score, whilst I hardly pass any quiz or seatwork at all. Whenever I get a grade that was barely passing, I felt happy while my classmates frown upon looking at theirs, despite the wide gap their scores possess over mine. I thought I was never meant to go to college if my math malady was not going to be resolved. I was a bright student in other subjects and my classmates sounded upset whenever I told them my math problems. I thought I was the only one who had it - excellence in other subjects and a loser at math. I approached my Math teacher and told her that I feared to flunk the subject and that it would not be unfair if she were not to give me any consideration; I deserved a failing grade. She had that look on her face that looked as if she understood my situation right away, as though she had also been through a struggle exactly like mine. "In the first place, why did you not come earlier I was more than willing to boost your spirits up.  When I saw you, I saw myself.†   Right there and then, she had told me her story; she not only hated math when she was my age but failed a number of times, then got encouraged by her teacher.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Marketing plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Marketing plan - Essay Example It presses towards creating resources that earn it a global reputation. Haier group mainly manufactures appliances that are used in homes. They are manufactured to meet quality needs of customers all over the world. Heir classifies its products into four: white, brown, client solution business and manufacturing group’s equipment components. The classification facilitates departmentation and focus in the company. The white products include refrigerators, water heaters, washing machines, air conditioners and kitchen appliances. Brown products include computers, mobile phones and colored television sets. Client solution business products involve medical equipment, interior kitchen decoration, integrated kitchen, intelligent home appliances and central air conditioners. Manufacturing group equipment component include electronic control integration and metal and plastic product plate production line. To increase their market, the products will have their quality increased and manufactured in technologically competitive way in order to attract customer s. In the year 2008, Haier was in command of 30% of China’s local electronic market of its products. The company aims at getting the market share to over 50%. The product air conditioners’ market in the same year was 145, way below that of its competitor named Media and Gee that was 47%. The company has divided China into five sections of the market in order to enable it win over the competitors. The products’ market across the world are fair, facing competition from the local products. With increased products’ quality, the sales of the products in the target markets are expected to increase with up to 20% upon execution of the marketing plan (Stapleton 1982). Haier Group Company has its headquarters at Qingdao. The company has established 11976 service centers, 56 trading centers and 38000 sales offices in the areas that it distributes its products. They are able to get the products