Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Big Worry Sats

Here I am junior in high school. Of course, the big decisions are starting. You start thinking about a job, or maybe just surviving the summer. But, to me, a major concern is college.Sure, when you apply to college, all they want is numbers. Well, to me, a one shot deal called the SAT is not going to tell them all the hard work I've put in for the last twelve years. And, by the way, what am I supposed to study for an SAT test, the dictionary? I feel like I will have to relearn everything to achieve a good score. Sure, in an SAT class, they can tell you that the answer will more likely be A or C, and not B or D. But, then again you can always skip the ones you don't know. But then again, what if you feel like you don't know any of them? Do you think you should really leave all those blank? Then again, they also look at your high school grades. But what about that geometry class you failed for a term or two? Do they consider why? Just think: it's only your future!So, to all those unde rclassmen, or anyone who hasn't stepped up to this test: good luck. It is you against a scantron sheet, and the world of possibility. Or is it probability that the answer may be Y. (Do they put us through it!) The probability is 0 and the answer to the question is "I don't know!" n

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